2024 December Agenda and Minutes


Board of Trustees Meeting
Dec. 12, 2024
3 p.m.
JPH Conference Center

This is a reminder that the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees will meet in person on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 3 p.m. in the JPH Conference Center.

Call to Order — Linda Pledger

Approval of Agenda — Linda Pledger

Regular Reports

  • Finance Report — Richard Stipe
  • President's Report — Richard Stipe

Consent Agenda — Linda Pledger

  • November regular meeting minutes
  • Re-classification: Dean of Arts, Science, Business and IT to Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs

New Business
  • Issuance of Bonds for CRMI funding; approve bond counsel & bond underwriter
  • Appointment of Board of Trustees of Officers

Board Comments



Board of Trustees
December 12, 2024

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday 12, December 2024 in the Bennie Ellis board room.  Chair Pledger called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Don Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Chris McNew, Pam Henry, Luke Feighert, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale, Tavonda Brown, Richard Stipe, Dr. Matt Cardin, Mel Klipp, Jo Adams, Kris Greening, Carla Jacobs, Dr. Ricky Tompkins, Charla Jennings, Chandra Huston, Ryan Hoffman, Dr. Rodney Arnold, Bob Mouser, Jason Patience, Jon Burnside.

Approval of Agenda
Chair Pledger asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved. 

Regular Reports
Finance Report: Richard Stipe shared the E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through September 2024.

In the E&G fund, Richard Stipe stated the total monthly revenue was $3,055,923 and the expenditures ended at $2,214,368. The year-to-date total of revenues was $10,264,131, and expenses were $7,908,025. He said Richard said the revenue trend line is typical for November.  He said the expense trend line is slightly above normal for November. 

Auxiliary: The month's revenue totaled $431,300, and the expenditures totaled $84,770. The year-to-date revenues were $1,276,409, and expenses were $918,985. 

President Report: 
Dr. Massengale started by thanking running-off trustees, Sarah Newman and Scott Miller for their dedication and commitment to bg真人游戏注册. North Arkansas College students assembled Thanksgiving care baskets given to nominated students and staff for the holiday. Career Pathways Initiative Student Leadership, Students Supporting Students, bg真人游戏注册 Agri Club, FBLA Collegiate, and Business and IT Leadership Institute participated in the donations. Wes Bradford came to the south campus and spoke at the North Arkansas College's Honors Speaker Series about his career journey and various cases he has worked on.
Dr. Massengale congratulated the top three contestants at the Young Farmers & Ranchers Collegiate Discussion. Emma Kate Blankenship placed first, Wapiti Mefford at second place, and Jessica Ford at third place. Emma Kate will represent bg真人游戏注册 Ag Club at the state competition in February.

bg真人游戏注册 Adult Education has outgrown its location in Huntsville and now has moved to a new location in Huntsville. Dr. Massengale mentioned Clark Contractors at North Arkansas College. Clark Contractors has a "Building Up Students "program that works to employ high school and college-age students to introduce them to the construction trades. The project will be hiring students to work at the North Arkansas College- Center of Robotics and Manufacturing Innovation building.

He mentioned the bg真人游戏注册 Tiki Party and Christmas Parade, thanking the staff and students for their commitment to our community. Dr. Massengale announced the live camera is now active at the CRMI building. The link can be found on the bg真人游戏注册 website under the Explore tab.

Consent Agenda Consent Agenda
The consent agenda included the November regular meeting and reclassification: Dean of Arts, Science, Business, and IT to Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Chair Pledger asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Tomlinson made the motion, which was seconded by Trustee McNew, and unanimously approved.

Trustee Feighert asked what the thoughts of the employees were on the reclassification. Dr. Massengale said some are in favor and others are asking what their opportunity for the change is. He said we are not at the point where we need a supervisor for each division. He is hopeful for future enrollment that will allow more opportunities.

New Business
Issuance of Bonds for CRMI funding; approve Bond Counsel & Bond Underwriter 
Chair Pledger asked for a motion to approve the Issuance of Bonds for CRMI funding; and approve Bond Counsel & Bond Underwriter. Trustee McNew made the motion, which was seconded by Trustee Tomlinson, and unanimously approved.

Appointment of Board of Trustees Election of Officers 2025
Trustee McNew recommended Trustee Luke Feighert as Chairman, Trustee Pam Henry as Vice Chair, and Trustee Debbie Johnson as Secretary-Treasurer. Chair Pledger 
opened for additional recommendations, with none; a motion was made by Trustee Tomlinson, seconded by Trustee Newman, and unanimously approved.

At the end of the meeting, President Dr. Massengale presented a plaque to Chair Pledger for her service as Chairman of 2024 and presented plaques to outgoing members, Sarah Newman and Scott Miller. Trustee Tomlinson thanked Sarah and Scott. He spoke highly of Scott's time as a board member and his dedication to bg真人游戏注册 sitting as Chairman twice and being on two search committees for a bg真人游戏注册 president.

Chair Pledger passed the gavel to the 2025 chairman, Trustee Feighert.

Chair Feighert adjourned the meeting at 3:23 p.m.

Chair Linda Pledger Submitted by Joetta Adams
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